Next Level Physio Wed, 17 Apr 2024 04:41:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Next Level Physio 32 32 Revolutionize Your Run: The Single Leg Romanian Deadlift for Hamstring Health Wed, 17 Apr 2024 04:35:00 +0000 At Next Level Physio, we often see a surge in runners combating high hamstring strains, a common yet challenging issue. If you find yourself grappling with discomfort at the sit bones—the origin point of the hamstrings—impacting your daily activities and running routine, the single leg Romanian deadlift (RDL) might just be the transformative exercise you

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At Next Level Physio, we often see a surge in runners combating high hamstring strains, a common yet challenging issue. If you find yourself grappling with discomfort at the sit bones—the origin point of the hamstrings—impacting your daily activities and running routine, the single leg Romanian deadlift (RDL) might just be the transformative exercise you need.

The Power of the Single Leg RDL:

The single leg RDL isn’t just another exercise; it’s a critical component of our Phase II, Excel phase in the MEI Method for returning to running. This exercise goes beyond typical strength training by targeting each leg individually, ensuring balanced power and resilience in your hamstrings.

Why Single Leg RDLs?

  • Enhanced Lower Body Strength and Power: The single leg RDL zeroes in on the hamstrings and glutes, essential muscles for every runner. Strengthening these areas translates to improved performance across all running activities, from sprints to hill climbs.
  • Boosted Balance and Stability: This exercise challenges your balance, enhancing stability and proprioception. This means better control and confidence on uneven terrain or during quick directional changes.
  • Injury Resistance: While complete injury prevention is unrealistic due to numerous uncontrollable factors, exercises like the single leg RDL can significantly lower the likelihood of injuries by training the hamstrings’ eccentric phase and addressing muscle imbalances.

Executing the Single Leg RDL:

  1. Begin standing, weight evenly distributed and knees slightly bent.
  2. Transfer your weight to one leg, maintaining the knee bend.
  3. Hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight and chest up, as you lean forward.
  4. Extend the free leg behind you, aiming for a straight line from head to heel.
  5. Lower until your hamstring stretches, then squeeze your glutes to return to the start.
  6. Complete your set before switching legs.


Pro Tips for Perfect Form:

  • Maintain a flat back to protect your spine.
  • Focus on driving through the heel of your supporting leg.
  • Ensure your shin remains vertical for optimal hamstring engagement.
  • Lower your torso with control to maximize muscle work.
  • Keep the weight close to your body for better stability.

Incorporating single leg Romanian deadlifts into your routine could be the key to overcoming those persistent hamstring issues and enhancing your overall running performance. However, always consult with a physiotherapist before trying new exercises, especially if you’re currently injured.

Need Help with Hamstring Pain?

If conventional methods haven’t eased your hamstring pain, it’s time for a tailored approach. Schedule your free Hamstring Pain Away Physio Assessment at Next Level Physio and get back to running without the pain.

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Boost Your Healthspan with the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’: Why D3 is Essential Tue, 12 Mar 2024 10:52:15 +0000 Amid the myriad of supplements gracing our shelves, one unassuming nutrient might just hold the key to enhanced health and longevity: Vitamin D3. Dubbed the ‘sunshine vitamin’, its influence extends far beyond bone health, reaching into the realms of immune support and muscle recovery. Elevating Health with Vitamin D3: Insights from Dr. Rhonda Patrick In

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Amid the myriad of supplements gracing our shelves, one unassuming nutrient might just hold the key to enhanced health and longevity: Vitamin D3. Dubbed the ‘sunshine vitamin’, its influence extends far beyond bone health, reaching into the realms of immune support and muscle recovery.

Elevating Health with Vitamin D3: Insights from Dr. Rhonda Patrick

In a recent episode of the Found My Fitness podcast, Dr. Rhonda Patrick brought to light the significant, yet often overlooked, benefits of Vitamin D3. This essential nutrient, which many miss out on due to indoor lifestyles and inadequate sunlight exposure, is critical for maintaining strong bones, robust immunity, and efficient muscle function. The global prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency presents a health challenge with far-reaching consequences.

The Optimal Dose for Maximum Benefit

Dr. Patrick’s insights extend into the realm of Vitamin D3 dosage, an area where precision can yield remarkable health dividends. She elucidates that an increase of as little as 1000 IUs can enhance serum levels by approximately 5 to 10 ng/mL. For individuals experiencing suboptimal levels, she suggests a daily supplement of 4000 to 5000 IUs to achieve a healthier range of 50-60 ng/mL. Such adjustments could significantly boost one’s physical capabilities and fortify the immune system.

Next Level Physio’s Holistic Approach

At Next Level Physio, we believe in a holistic approach to patient care. For our active patients and community members striving for peak performance, understanding and integrating Vitamin D3 into daily health practices can be transformative.

Tailoring Your Vitamin D3 Intake

Yet, the journey to optimal Vitamin D3 levels is personal. It’s not about following a universal guideline but rather about tailoring the dosage to your individual needs, ensuring that supplementation is both safe and effective.

Embracing Vitamin D3 supplementation could be your stride towards not just a healthier life but a more vibrant, active one. With the expertise of our expert team and guidance based on the latest research, you can unlock the full potential of this vital nutrient.

Ready to elevate your health with Vitamin D3? Schedule your personalized health assessment at Next Level Physio and begin your journey to optimal wellness today.

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Looking for the Best Physical Therapy In Cary? Reach out to Our Experts Today Mon, 11 Mar 2024 10:21:09 +0000 When injuries or pain hold you back, it’s impossible to feel your best and operate at your highest potential.  That neck pain trickles into your computer work, knee pain prevents you from running the extra mile, and back pain irks you every time you put your shoes and socks on.  The good news is it

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When injuries or pain hold you back, it’s impossible to feel your best and operate at your highest potential.  That neck pain trickles into your computer work, knee pain prevents you from running the extra mile, and back pain irks you every time you put your shoes and socks on.  The good news is it doesn’t have to… With the help of expert-level physical therapy in Cary, NC you can be back on track and feeling your best in no time.  We understand you have a lot of options when it comes to rehabilitative care in the Cary area.  Let us show you what next-level treatment is all about.

Empowering Patients, Transforming Lives

Next Level Physio in Cary is not just a physical therapy clinic – it’s a place for wellness, healing, and transformation.  Our team of dedicated therapists are athletes themselves, passionate about empowering individuals to take control of their health and achieve their wellness goals.  Whether you’re recovering from an acute injury or determined to make a change to your physical fitness, we’re here to educate, support, and motivate you.

Traditional medicine has failed all of us- giving us short-term fixes like medications, injections, and even unnecessary surgeries rather than getting to the root cause of the issues.  Here at Next Level Physio, we are dedicated to a total-body approach that uncovers and addresses system-wide inefficiencies to achieve long-lasting results.

If you were less than impressed with prior PT experiences or are tired of being shuffled between providers, we want to show you the Next-Level way.  From day one, expect one-on-one expert-level care with a dedicated doctor of physical therapy who will work with you throughout your course of treatment to help you meet your goals.

Setting the Standard for Rehabilitative Care

The best physical therapy in Cary, NC isn’t solely reserved for professional athletes.  You strive to be the best in your work and home life, so why settle for anything less than gold-standard treatment when injuries hold you down?    At Next Level Physio we’re committed to helping you overcome your injuries as well as prevent future issues from arising.  Be proactive about your health, get holistic total body care, and get back on track as quickly as possible.

When you come to our clinic here in Cary, expect a program combining skilled manual interventions, personalized exercises, and performance-based modalities all grounded in evidence-based research.  We don’t waste time with cookie-cutter exercises…  Everything we do has a purpose and a goal.  By enhancing your mobility, improving your strength and stability, and optimizing your overall mechanics, our mission is to get you moving and feeling your best in no time.

Making an Impact from Day ONE

At Next Level Physio in Cary, NC, patients are more than just a number.  We’re changing the healthcare narrative prioritizing effective, individualized care over productivity and insurance dictations.  From day one, our team of compassionate providers will take the time to listen to your concerns and goals and develop a plan that works for YOU.   Surrounded by higher education and technology here in Cary, many of our clients have found incredible success in their work lives and are seeking to achieve that same level of success in their health and wellness.  Using a holistic approach, we will address all contributions to physical health including biomechanics, training regimens, sleep, and nutrition.  Don’t get left behind on your journey to greatness.

The Go-To Choice for Athletes and Active Adults

We understand athletes and acknowledge that the standard prescription of rest, ice, and elevate is often NOT the best option.  We will push you appropriately throughout your treatment to ensure progress without regression.  Whether you love pickleball, are an avid runner, or simply want to stay physically fit as you age, we’ll do what it takes to keep you on your game and active for years to come.

Ready to Experience Peak Performance?

It’s time to break free from pain and limitation.  Whether you’re tired of struggling with persistent discomfort or feel your performance is less than optimal, give us a call today or complete our online form here and unveil your true potential.  Our team of experts here in Cary is standing by and ready to guide you down your journey to a more active, fulfilling, and pain-free life.

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Unlocking the Mystery of Persistent Knee Pain: The Overlooked Cause Runners Need to Know Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:14:54 +0000 For many runners, knee pain is a frustrating and seemingly inevitable part of their exercise routine. Traditional physical therapy offers common exercises like knee extensions, clamshells, and foam rolling, but what if these methods don’t bring the relief you seek? It’s time to delve deeper. In this article, we uncover an often-overlooked cause of chronic

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For many runners, knee pain is a frustrating and seemingly inevitable part of their exercise routine. Traditional physical therapy offers common exercises like knee extensions, clamshells, and foam rolling, but what if these methods don’t bring the relief you seek? It’s time to delve deeper. In this article, we uncover an often-overlooked cause of chronic knee pain that has perplexed even the most experienced PTs specializing in runners.

The Hidden Factor: Knee Rotation

A common misconception is that the knee only bends forward and backward. However, a critical aspect of knee function, frequently missed in pain diagnoses, is knee rotation. Understanding the importance of both internal and external rotation at the knee joint is crucial, as its absence can lead to significant mobility issues, affecting everything from walking and squatting to running.

Why Knee Rotation Matters:

Pivoting Limitation:

Without healthy knee rotation, pivoting during daily activities or sports becomes difficult, if not impossible.

Restricted Knee Bending:

Initiating a bend in the knee becomes challenging, hindering basic movements like walking, squatting, climbing stairs, or running efficiently.

Inability to Fully Extend the Knee:

This leads to weakened quadriceps and muscle atrophy, further compounding running difficulties.

Case Study: “Jimmy’s” Journey to Recovery

Let’s consider “Jimmy,” a long-time runner suffering from chronic right knee pain for six years. His journey to recovery began with a comprehensive assessment at our new location in Cary, specializing in runners and active individuals. The findings were eye-opening:

  • Limited ability to straighten or bend the right knee due to past trauma.
  • Significant disparity in knee rotation range between the left and right knees.
  • Reduced right hip range of motion and overactive hip flexors.
  • Atrophy in the right quadriceps and weakness in the right glutes.
  • An abnormal hip drop observed during running gait analysis.

Our Approach and Jimmy’s Transformation:

Restoration of Knee Rotation: Through targeted self-mobility exercises, we successfully restored Jimmy’s right knee rotation.

Performance Dry Needling and Shockwave Release: These techniques were employed to release the overactive right TFL muscle and treat the side of the right knee.

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy: This innovative method rapidly improved the strength and size of Jimmy’s quadriceps without overburdening his knee.


After just nine sessions, Jimmy achieved remarkable improvements:

  • Full, unrestricted knee range of motion.
  • The ability to perform deep squats and lunges with weights.
  • A return to fitness classes without restrictions.
  • Most importantly, he was a happy runner again, free from the chronic knee pain that had plagued him for years.

Break Free from Chronic Knee Pain: Discover the Key Role of Knee Rotation with Next Level Physio

Chronic knee pain doesn’t have to be a life sentence. If you’re struggling with persistent discomfort and traditional treatments haven’t worked, it might be time to consider the role of knee rotation in your condition. At Next Level Physio, we’re dedicated to uncovering and addressing these overlooked causes, helping runners like you return to the activities you love, pain-free. Contact us for a specialized assessment and begin your journey to a more active, fulfilling life without knee pain.

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Rethinking IT Band Pain: Next Level Physio’s Proven Strategy for Runners Thu, 29 Feb 2024 03:56:59 +0000 The IT Band – that notorious source of knee pain for runners, especially as race day approaches. As both a physio and a runner, I’ve navigated the terrain of “iliotibial” band syndrome and emerged with insights that challenge the conventional wisdom. The truth is stark: you can’t stretch the IT band, but you can conquer

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The IT Band – that notorious source of knee pain for runners, especially as race day approaches. As both a physio and a runner, I’ve navigated the terrain of “iliotibial” band syndrome and emerged with insights that challenge the conventional wisdom. The truth is stark: you can’t stretch the IT band, but you can conquer its pain.

The Myth of Stretching the IT Band:

Contrary to popular belief, no amount of foam rolling, Graston technique, lacrosse balls, or Theragun treatments will alter the IT band’s structure. These methods might offer temporary relief by distracting your central nervous system, but they don’t address the root cause of your pain.

Why Temporary Tools Can Help:

Using tools like foam rollers can alleviate tension in the muscles around the IT band, providing short-term comfort. If these methods seem to ease your pain, they’re not harmful to continue. However, they should not be your sole approach to managing IT band pain.

Understanding the IT Band:

The IT band is a tough length of fibers that runs from your hip to just below your knee. It works in concert with the glute max and TFL muscles to support leg movement and stabilize your hip during running. But when it comes to pain, it’s often just a symptom – not the cause.

Identifying the Root Causes:

Over the past 25 years, I’ve identified several key factors that contribute to IT band pain in runners:

  • Running form issues such as overstriding and hip collapsing
  • Misalignment in the hip, knee, and ankle
  • Imbalances in core and gluteal muscle strength
  • Mobility restrictions in the hip, ankle, and the joint between the tibia and fibula
  • Alignment issues stemming from the rib cage and pelvic diaphragm

Next Level Physio’s Approach to Treatment:

At Next Level Physio, we’ve guided thousands of runners to be IT band pain-free. Our treatments are multifaceted and tailored, including:

IT band pain doesn’t have to be a roadblock on your path to personal bests. With Next Level Physio’s comprehensive approach, tailored treatments, and a community to support you, say goodbye to the frustration of IT band syndrome.

Are you ready to tackle IT band pain with strategies that work? Schedule your free running physio assessment at our Cary location today and take the first step towards lasting relief and peak performance.

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Beyond the Basics: How Advanced Physiotherapy Can Keep Runners Pain-Free Wed, 31 Jan 2024 03:23:47 +0000 For avid runners, encountering pain is often an unwelcome companion on their fitness journey. While basic physical therapy (PT) can provide temporary relief, it often falls short in addressing the unique challenges faced by runners. At Next Level Physio, we specialize in transcending these limitations, offering innovative solutions to keep you running pain-free. In this

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Next Level Physio, we specialize in transcending these limitations, offering innovative solutions to keep you running pain-free. In this article, we’ll explore five reasons why basic PT might be keeping you in discomfort and how our advanced techniques can help.

1. The Limitations of Basic PT Treatments

Basic PT treatments, including hot packs, e-stim, and generic exercises, might offer short-term relief but often fail to provide lasting solutions. At Next Level Physio, we embrace cutting-edge methods like shockwave therapy, Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Therapy, and Performance Dry Needling. These advanced techniques enhance localized blood flow, foster better healing, and accelerate your return to running, offering a more sustainable solution than traditional PT approaches.

2. The Drawback of High Patient Volume

In many PT settings, therapists juggle multiple patients simultaneously, leading to diluted care quality. While in-network coverage might make basic PT accessible, it often lacks the personalized attention crucial for effective treatment. In contrast, Next Level Physio prioritizes customized care, ensuring that your unique needs as a runner are fully addressed, even if it means investing a bit more for specialized services.

3. Overlooking Running Technique

A common oversight in basic PT is the lack of running gait analysis. Understanding your running form is crucial in identifying and correcting issues that lead to injury. Our approach at Next Level Physio involves detailed analysis and tailored exercises, addressing common problems like over-striding or improper foot alignment. This focus on technique not only alleviates pain but also enhances overall running efficiency.

4. Failing to Identify Root Causes

Treating symptoms without identifying underlying causes is a recipe for recurring pain. Our approach at Next Level Physio delves deeper, uncovering root causes like hip or pelvis misalignments that often manifest as knee pain or other issues. By addressing these core problems, we provide more comprehensive and lasting relief, enabling runners to return to their passion without the shadow of recurring pain.

5. The Importance of Patient Compliance

Finally, the success of any PT program partially hinges on the patient’s commitment. At Next Level Physio, we emphasize the importance of adhering to the prescribed plan. While we offer expert guidance and advanced treatments, your active participation in the recovery process is key to achieving long-term pain-free running.

Next Level Physio: Paving Your Path to a Stronger, Pain-Free Running Experience

Running should be a source of joy, not discomfort. At Next Level Physio, we’re committed to transforming your running experience by offering advanced, personalized physiotherapy solutions. If you’re tired of the temporary fixes of basic PT and are seeking a more profound transformation in your running journey, contact us for a free runners’ physio assessment. Let’s work together to keep you running smoothly, free from the nagging pains that have held you back.

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Stretching for Runners: The Optimal Time for Maximum Benefit Sat, 27 Jan 2024 08:06:13 +0000 The debate over the best time to stretch for runners is ongoing. Should it be before or after your run? Understanding the impact of stretching on your running routine is crucial. In this article, we delve into the science behind stretching and offer insights to enhance your running performance. Stretching Before Your Run: A Misconception?

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The debate over the best time to stretch for runners is ongoing. Should it be before or after your run? Understanding the impact of stretching on your running routine is crucial. In this article, we delve into the science behind stretching and offer insights to enhance your running performance.

Stretching Before Your Run: A Misconception?

For years, stretching before a run has been a common practice. However, recent research challenges this norm. Studies indicate that traditional stretching prior to running may not prevent injuries or improve flexibility, and in some cases, it might even increase the risk of injury. This revelation suggests that the time spent stretching calves, quads, and hamstrings before hitting the track might not be as beneficial as once thought.

The Role of Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching, involving active movements, is emerging as a superior method. Exercises like calf walks in a plank position not only reduce injury risk but also enhance mobility in a shorter duration. At Next Level Physio, we recommend dynamic stretching before a run to warm up the muscles effectively and prepare them for the physical activity ahead.

Post-Run Stretching: The Ideal Practice

Contrary to pre-run stretching, indulging in post-run stretches can be advantageous. Stretching after a run may help alleviate muscle soreness and stiffness. However, the technique and duration are key. Static stretches, where a position is held for a period, should be maintained for at least two minutes for actual mobility gains. This method helps the muscle fibers to release tension effectively.

Foam Rolling: More Than Just Loosening Knots

Foam rolling is often misunderstood as a tool to loosen up tight muscles. In reality, its primary benefit is to relax the tension caused by the central nervous system. When you foam roll, you’re essentially signaling your brain to reduce the tightness in the muscles, contributing to overall muscle relaxation.

Joint Mobility Drills: The Unsung Heroes

In addition to stretching, joint mobility drills are crucial for runners. These drills involve challenging the joints to contract and relax at different ranges, facilitating greater motion range. It’s not just the physical stress on the tissues; it’s about allowing your brain to relax its hold, leading to improved flexibility and performance.

Unlock the Secrets of Effective Stretching and Mobility for Runners with Next Level Physio

Both stretching and joint mobility are essential components of a runner’s routine. The key is to find the right balance and technique – dynamic stretches before a run and static stretches afterward. For personalized advice and assessments tailored to your needs as a runner, Next Level Physio offers specialized services. Contact us today to enhance your running experience, ensuring smooth, enjoyable, and injury-free runs.

Interested in optimizing your running routine with expert guidance? Schedule your free running physio assessment at Next Level Physio and discover the best hip and knee mobility drills for your running needs. Let’s work together for your long-term running health and performance.

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Mastering Shockwave Therapy: Benefits, Expectations, and Fast Fitness Recovery Sun, 03 Dec 2023 20:46:34 +0000 As an athlete or fitness enthusiast, you know how frustrating it can be when an injury or chronic pain limits your ability to perform at your best. Pain can interfere with your training schedule, your mental and emotional well-being, and your overall quality of life. Fortunately, there are many innovative treatments available that can help

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As an athlete or fitness enthusiast, you know how frustrating it can be when an injury or chronic pain limits your ability to perform at your best. Pain can interfere with your training schedule, your mental and emotional well-being, and your overall quality of life.

Fortunately, there are many innovative treatments available that can help you manage pain and recover faster. 

One such treatment is Shockwave Therapy, also known as Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT). This non-invasive treatment has been used for decades to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, and it can be particularly beneficial for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are looking for a fast, effective, and non-surgical solution to their pain. 

What is Shockwave Therapy? 

Shockwave Therapy is handheld device that delivers high-energy acoustic waves through tissue to accelerate the body’s natural healing process and reduce pain by: 

  • promoting blood flow 
  • releases growth factors 
  • activates stem cells

The net effect is reducing inflammation, and stimulating the growth of new tissue. 

Shockwave Therapy has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, rotator cuff issues, tennis elbow, and chronic back pain. 

What to expect during a Shockwave Therapy Session:

A Shockwave Therapy session typically lasts about 15 minutes, which makes scheduling easier for patients with a busy schedule. Patients typically require multiple sessions, depending on the severity of their condition.

The recommendation is 10 sessions (1x a week) with results noted within the first 3-6 sessions. 

During the treatment, a therapist will apply a gel to the affected area, and then use a hand-held device to deliver the shockwaves. 

The treatment can be uncomfortable, and patients may experience some pain or discomfort during the session. However, most patients find the treatment tolerable, and any discomfort usually subsides after the session.

Who would benefit most from using Shockwave Therapy? 

Shockwave Therapy img4

Shockwave Therapy can be particularly beneficial for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are looking for a fast, effective, and non-surgical solution to their pain. While optimal benefits are seen when combined with our comprehensive physiotherapy plan of care, shockwave is a great option as part of our ReGen Physio Program. It can help individuals recover from injuries more quickly, and it can be an effective alternative to surgery for certain conditions. 

Additionally, Shockwave Therapy is non-invasive, which means there is no downtime, and patients can return to their normal activities immediately after treatment. 

At Next Level Physio, our ReGen Physio Program includes shockwave along with cupping, dry needling, blood flow restriction therapy, and cold laser. 

Contact us at Bergen County & Woodcliff Lake, NJ Center, and schedule an appointment to determine if you’re the right candidate for shockwave therapy within our ReGen Physio Program.


American Physical Therapy Association. (2018). Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy (EPAT) for Musculoskeletal

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Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training: How It Works and Who Benefits Most Fri, 24 Nov 2023 02:49:28 +0000 What is Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training? Blood Flow Restriction Training is a new method of training that is gaining popularity fast. This strength training method involves placing a tight band around your arm or leg to slightly restrict blood flow while performing exercises. By doing this, you are able to workout at a lower

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What is Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training?

Blood Flow Restriction Training is a new method of training that is gaining popularity fast. This strength training method involves placing a tight band around your arm or leg to slightly restrict blood flow while performing exercises. By doing this, you are able to workout at a lower intensity while still gaining muscle and strength. 

How does  Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training work? 

Blood flow brings oxygen and nutrients to your muscle fibers to produce energy while working out. When the blood flow is restricted, the muscle has to work harder to get the essentials they need. This leads to increased muscle fatigue and results in muscle growth and strength gains with lighter weights.

A tight band is placed usually around the upper arm or thigh and is tightened to a certain pressure. The level of pressure should be high enough to restrict blood flow, but not so high it causes pain or discomfort. Exercises done during blood flow restriction training are usually exercises that work multiple muscle groups such as squats, deadlifts, bicep curls, etc. 

The reason behind adding stress to the muscles through restricted blood flow is to decrease the weight being used, or number of sets during a workout, and still be able to achieve similar goals. It is extremely important to pay attention to your body’s response and adjust your training accordingly. 

What Makes Blood Flow Restriction Training Valuable and Who Benefits Most?

If you’ve had surgery, an injury, need recovery from hard training sessions or a performance boost in your endurance or strength training, this device is for you.

Blood flow restriction training is proven to improve recovery from injuries and/or surgery. One of the ways this happens is by promoting the growth of new blood vessels in the affected area, which can increase blood flow and speed up the healing process. 

BFR is extremely beneficial to those who are unable to perform traditional weight-bearing exercises, such as people recovering from an injury or surgery. Because it allows for muscle activation and growth with lighter loads, it may be a safer and more effective way for these individuals to achieve muscle enhancement.

BFR has also been shown to have a positive effect on muscle recovery. Restricting blood flow during exercise and then releasing it after the workout, creates a “pump” effect that can help to flush out waste products and bring fresh nutrients to the muscle, promoting healing and recovery. 

Additionally, BFR has been found to reduce inflammation, which can help to reduce pain and swelling and aid in the healing process.

Overall, Blood Flow Restriction training can be an excellent way to increase muscle strength and growth, especially for those who are unable to use heavy weights due to injury or other limitations. 

With proper guidance and a keen attention to safety, blood flow restriction training can be a valuable addition to any strength training program.

Blood flow restriction therapy (BFRT) is part of our ReGen Physio Program at Next Level Physio, which also includes dry needling, shockwave, cold laser, and cupping therapy.Contact us at Bergen County & Woodcliff Lake, NJ Center, and schedule an appointment to determine if you’re the right candidate for blood flow restriction therapy.

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The Top 6 Benefits of Cupping Physical Therapy for Active or Athletic Men and Women Over 40 Fri, 24 Nov 2023 01:55:08 +0000 Are you an active man or woman over 40 looking for a quick fix to sore muscles? If so, you might be interested in cupping. Cupping is an ancient practice that involves placing cups on the skin to create a vacuum. This vacuum stimulates blood flow and can help with a variety of conditions, including

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Are you an active man or woman over 40 looking for a quick fix to sore muscles? If so, you might be interested in cupping. Cupping is an ancient practice that involves placing cups on the skin to create a vacuum. This vacuum stimulates blood flow and can help with a variety of conditions, including sore muscles and joint pain. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the benefits of cupping and why it might be worth considering.

Benefit #1: Increased Blood Flow

One of the main benefits of cupping is that it increases blood flow. When the cups are placed on the skin, they create a vacuum that pulls the skin and underlying tissues up into the cup. This vacuum stimulates blood flow to the area, which can help with muscle recovery and reduce pain.

In a study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences, researchers found that cupping increased blood flow to the skin and muscles. This increased blood flow can help to speed up the healing process and reduce muscle soreness.

Benefit #2: Improved Flexibility and Range of Motion

Another benefit of cupping is that it can help to break up scar tissue and adhesions. Scar tissue and adhesions can limit range of motion and cause pain. Cupping can help to loosen these tissues, improving flexibility and range of motion.

In a study published in the Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, researchers found that cupping was effective in improving shoulder range of motion in patients with frozen shoulder. The researchers concluded that cupping could be a safe and effective treatment option for frozen shoulder.

Benefit #3: Boosted Immune System

Cupping can also boost your immune system. When the cups are placed on the skin, they create a vacuum that stimulates the production of white blood cells. White blood cells are an important part of the immune system and help to fight off infections and diseases.

In a study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, researchers found that cupping increased the production of white blood cells in patients with cancer. The researchers concluded that cupping could be a useful complementary therapy for patients undergoing cancer treatment.

Benefit #4: Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is a common problem in many conditions, including arthritis and fibromyalgia. Cupping can help to reduce inflammation by stimulating blood flow and releasing tension in the muscles.

In a study published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, researchers found that cupping was effective in reducing pain and inflammation in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The researchers concluded that cupping could be a useful treatment option for patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Benefit #5: Improved Sleep

Cupping can also improve your sleep. When the cups are placed on the skin, they create a vacuum that promotes relaxation and reduces stress. This can help to improve the quality of your sleep and make it easier to fall asleep at night.

In a study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, researchers found that cupping was effective in improving sleep quality in patients with insomnia. The researchers concluded that cupping could be a useful treatment option for patients with insomnia.

Benefit #6: Alternative to Medications or Surgery

Finally, cupping can be a great alternative to medications or surgery for some conditions. Cupping is a non-invasive and relatively affordable treatment option compared to some other therapies. Plus, the benefits can be long-lasting, which means you may need fewer treatments in the long run.

In a study published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, researchers found that cupping was effective in reducing pain and improving quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain. The researchers concluded that cupping could be a useful treatment option for patients with chronic low back pain who were looking for a non-invasive alternative to medications or surgery.

Overall, cupping has a variety of benefits that can help active or athletic men and women over 40 with sore muscles and joint pain. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or looking for a way to improve your performance, cupping might be worth considering.

If you’re interested in trying cupping, it’s important to work with a qualified physical therapist who can guide you through the process. Cupping should not be done on your own, as it can be dangerous if not done properly.

In addition, it’s important to keep in mind that cupping is not a cure-all for every condition. It’s important to work with a healthcare professional like Next Level Physio  to determine if cupping is a safe and effective treatment option for your specific condition.

In conclusion, cupping is a safe and effective treatment option for active or athletic men and women over 40 who are looking for a quick fix to sore muscles and joint pain. Whether you’re dealing with an injury or just looking to improve your performance, cupping might be worth considering.

Cupping therapy  is part of our ReGen Physio Program at Next Level Physio, which also includes dry needling, Blood flow restriction therapy (BFRT)shockwave and cold laser.

Contact us at Bergen County & Woodcliff Lake, NJ Center, and schedule an appointment to determine if you’re the right candidate for cupping therapy. Our adept and experienced therapists will conduct a thorough assessment tailored to your needs and condition


  1. Ahmadi A, Schwebel DC, Rezaei M. The efficacy of wet cupping in the treatment of tension and migraine headache. Am J Chin Med. 2008;36(1):37-44. doi: 10.1142/S0192415X08005518.
  2. Cao H, Li X, Liu J. An updated review of the efficacy of cupping therapy. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31793. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031793.
  3. Kim JI, Lee MS, Lee DH, Boddy K, Ernst E. Cupping for treating pain: a systematic review. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011;2011:467014. doi: 10.1155/2011/467014.

The post The Top 6 Benefits of Cupping Physical Therapy for Active or Athletic Men and Women Over 40 appeared first on Next Level Physio.
