Knee Archives | Next Level Physio Mon, 11 Mar 2024 09:49:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Knee Archives | Next Level Physio 32 32 Unlocking the Mystery of Persistent Knee Pain: The Overlooked Cause Runners Need to Know Thu, 29 Feb 2024 10:14:54 +0000 For many runners, knee pain is a frustrating and seemingly inevitable part of their exercise routine. Traditional physical therapy offers common exercises like knee extensions, clamshells, and foam rolling, but what if these methods don’t bring the relief you seek? It’s time to delve deeper. In this article, we uncover an often-overlooked cause of chronic […]

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For many runners, knee pain is a frustrating and seemingly inevitable part of their exercise routine. Traditional physical therapy offers common exercises like knee extensions, clamshells, and foam rolling, but what if these methods don’t bring the relief you seek? It’s time to delve deeper. In this article, we uncover an often-overlooked cause of chronic knee pain that has perplexed even the most experienced PTs specializing in runners.

The Hidden Factor: Knee Rotation

A common misconception is that the knee only bends forward and backward. However, a critical aspect of knee function, frequently missed in pain diagnoses, is knee rotation. Understanding the importance of both internal and external rotation at the knee joint is crucial, as its absence can lead to significant mobility issues, affecting everything from walking and squatting to running.

Why Knee Rotation Matters:

Pivoting Limitation:

Without healthy knee rotation, pivoting during daily activities or sports becomes difficult, if not impossible.

Restricted Knee Bending:

Initiating a bend in the knee becomes challenging, hindering basic movements like walking, squatting, climbing stairs, or running efficiently.

Inability to Fully Extend the Knee:

This leads to weakened quadriceps and muscle atrophy, further compounding running difficulties.

Case Study: “Jimmy’s” Journey to Recovery

Let’s consider “Jimmy,” a long-time runner suffering from chronic right knee pain for six years. His journey to recovery began with a comprehensive assessment at our new location in Cary, specializing in runners and active individuals. The findings were eye-opening:

  • Limited ability to straighten or bend the right knee due to past trauma.
  • Significant disparity in knee rotation range between the left and right knees.
  • Reduced right hip range of motion and overactive hip flexors.
  • Atrophy in the right quadriceps and weakness in the right glutes.
  • An abnormal hip drop observed during running gait analysis.

Our Approach and Jimmy’s Transformation:

Restoration of Knee Rotation: Through targeted self-mobility exercises, we successfully restored Jimmy’s right knee rotation.

Performance Dry Needling and Shockwave Release: These techniques were employed to release the overactive right TFL muscle and treat the side of the right knee.

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy: This innovative method rapidly improved the strength and size of Jimmy’s quadriceps without overburdening his knee.


After just nine sessions, Jimmy achieved remarkable improvements:

  • Full, unrestricted knee range of motion.
  • The ability to perform deep squats and lunges with weights.
  • A return to fitness classes without restrictions.
  • Most importantly, he was a happy runner again, free from the chronic knee pain that had plagued him for years.

Break Free from Chronic Knee Pain: Discover the Key Role of Knee Rotation with Next Level Physio

Chronic knee pain doesn’t have to be a life sentence. If you’re struggling with persistent discomfort and traditional treatments haven’t worked, it might be time to consider the role of knee rotation in your condition. At Next Level Physio, we’re dedicated to uncovering and addressing these overlooked causes, helping runners like you return to the activities you love, pain-free. Contact us for a specialized assessment and begin your journey to a more active, fulfilling life without knee pain.

The post Unlocking the Mystery of Persistent Knee Pain: The Overlooked Cause Runners Need to Know appeared first on Next Level Physio.

Rethinking IT Band Pain: Next Level Physio’s Proven Strategy for Runners Thu, 29 Feb 2024 03:56:59 +0000 The IT Band – that notorious source of knee pain for runners, especially as race day approaches. As both a physio and a runner, I’ve navigated the terrain of “iliotibial” band syndrome and emerged with insights that challenge the conventional wisdom. The truth is stark: you can’t stretch the IT band, but you can conquer […]

The post Rethinking IT Band Pain: Next Level Physio’s Proven Strategy for Runners appeared first on Next Level Physio.

The IT Band – that notorious source of knee pain for runners, especially as race day approaches. As both a physio and a runner, I’ve navigated the terrain of “iliotibial” band syndrome and emerged with insights that challenge the conventional wisdom. The truth is stark: you can’t stretch the IT band, but you can conquer its pain.

The Myth of Stretching the IT Band:

Contrary to popular belief, no amount of foam rolling, Graston technique, lacrosse balls, or Theragun treatments will alter the IT band’s structure. These methods might offer temporary relief by distracting your central nervous system, but they don’t address the root cause of your pain.

Why Temporary Tools Can Help:

Using tools like foam rollers can alleviate tension in the muscles around the IT band, providing short-term comfort. If these methods seem to ease your pain, they’re not harmful to continue. However, they should not be your sole approach to managing IT band pain.

Understanding the IT Band:

The IT band is a tough length of fibers that runs from your hip to just below your knee. It works in concert with the glute max and TFL muscles to support leg movement and stabilize your hip during running. But when it comes to pain, it’s often just a symptom – not the cause.

Identifying the Root Causes:

Over the past 25 years, I’ve identified several key factors that contribute to IT band pain in runners:

  • Running form issues such as overstriding and hip collapsing
  • Misalignment in the hip, knee, and ankle
  • Imbalances in core and gluteal muscle strength
  • Mobility restrictions in the hip, ankle, and the joint between the tibia and fibula
  • Alignment issues stemming from the rib cage and pelvic diaphragm

Next Level Physio’s Approach to Treatment:

At Next Level Physio, we’ve guided thousands of runners to be IT band pain-free. Our treatments are multifaceted and tailored, including:

IT band pain doesn’t have to be a roadblock on your path to personal bests. With Next Level Physio’s comprehensive approach, tailored treatments, and a community to support you, say goodbye to the frustration of IT band syndrome.

Are you ready to tackle IT band pain with strategies that work? Schedule your free running physio assessment at our Cary location today and take the first step towards lasting relief and peak performance.

The post Rethinking IT Band Pain: Next Level Physio’s Proven Strategy for Runners appeared first on Next Level Physio.

How To Avoid Knee Pain After Running Without Painkillers Tue, 27 Jun 2023 12:09:02 +0000 Are you struggling to keep up with your running schedule due to agonizing knee pain after a run?
Our clinic deals with this issue on a weekly basis. Thousands of patients feel they have to take painkillers or decide between fitness and knees free from pain.

The post How To Avoid Knee Pain After Running Without Painkillers appeared first on Next Level Physio.

“Why Do I Get Knee Pain After Running?”

Are you struggling to keep up with your running schedule due to agonizing knee pain after a run?

Our clinic deals with this issue on a weekly basis. Thousands of patients feel they have to take painkillers or decide between fitness and knees free from pain.

This is not the case!

Whether you’re looking to run further or set a new personal best, the advice in this blog will help you do so, as it has with our past patients.

“Why Do I Get Knee Pain After Running?”

In our physical therapy clinic, we work with a lot of runners who have been running for years with little to no pain or discomfort before their issue manifests.

If this applies to you, you may be wondering, “Why do I get knee pain after running?” It can be irritating to feel like your progress is moving in reverse.

It is important to understand why you are experiencing this sensation so that you can properly address it and prevent future issues.

There are a variety of reasons you may be experiencing knee pain after running, including;

Repetitive Stress Injuries

These injuries occur when you place too much stress on one area of your body, such as by overusing certain muscles or performing repetitive movements.

Weak Core Muscle Strength

A weak core can put extra stress on the knees, leading to pain.

Make sure you are doing exercises that target your core muscles, such as planks and crunches, in order to strengthen them.

Inadequate Warm Up

If you don’t warm up before running, your muscles and joints are more likely to become injured. Make sure you always take the time to do a thorough warm-up before starting any exercise routine.

Poor Nutrition

If you don’t eat the right kind of foods before and after running, your body may not be able to recover properly.

Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and proteins to fuel your body and provide it with the nutrition it needs for recovery.

How To Avoid Knee Pain After Running

There are easy steps you can take to prevent knee pain after running if you’re already experiencing it.

Listen To Your Body

We know running is important to a lot of our patients, often putting that extra distance or personal best before their bodies.

As you are running, its important to pay attention to any soreness or potential pain in your knee and stop immediately if you feel anything that isn’t comfortable.

Strengthen Your Legs

Doing exercises like squats and step-ups can help strengthen the muscles that support your knee joint and keeps them healthy.

If you experience additional pain or anything out of the ordinary you should contact a professional immediately!

Invest In Quality Running Shoes

Choosing the right shoe for your foot type is essential when it comes to avoiding knee pain.

The better the cushion and support, the less likely you are to experience any issues with your knees while running.

The Quickest Way To Avoid Knee Pain After Running

Hopefully you can apply the techniques above and avoid your knee pain after running.

For first time knee pain sufferers, rest and time off the injury is all your knee needs to recover.

However, if your knee pain persists or unfortunately gets worse, you should seek professional help from a physical therapist.

Our team at Next Level Physical Therapy can help you identify the root cause of your knee pain. Setting you up with a personalized treatment plan on how to run more, further, and faster.

This is by far the fastest treatment option available and will stop your knee pain from getting worse or coming back in the future.

Physical therapy is the perfect option for those who wish to fix the issue without relying on painkillers, injections or surgery!

Book Your Free Lower Body Consultation

You can now schedule a Free Lower Body Consultation to help determine whether physical therapy is right for you!

We are currently extremely busy across our four clinics (Cary, Montclair, Morrisville, and Woodcliff Lake) meaning we only have limited availability for this special offer.

Avoid disappointment and Arrange Your Free Lower Body Consultation NOW.

Contact us at 201-746-9966 or spend 30 seconds filling in our simple webform.

Want More Free Professional Advice To Live An Active Life Pain-Free?

Read our blog – Three Reasons Why Runners Need To Add Strength Training Into Their Running Program

Read our blog – 3 Reasons Why You’re Still Having Knee Pain and Can’t Run, Bike, Or Squat!

Follow us on our social media – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

The post How To Avoid Knee Pain After Running Without Painkillers appeared first on Next Level Physio.
