Runners Archives | Next Level Physio Wed, 17 Apr 2024 04:41:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Runners Archives | Next Level Physio 32 32 Revolutionize Your Run: The Single Leg Romanian Deadlift for Hamstring Health Wed, 17 Apr 2024 04:35:00 +0000 At Next Level Physio, we often see a surge in runners combating high hamstring strains, a common yet challenging issue. If you find yourself grappling with discomfort at the sit bones—the origin point of the hamstrings—impacting your daily activities and running routine, the single leg Romanian deadlift (RDL) might just be the transformative exercise you […]

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At Next Level Physio, we often see a surge in runners combating high hamstring strains, a common yet challenging issue. If you find yourself grappling with discomfort at the sit bones—the origin point of the hamstrings—impacting your daily activities and running routine, the single leg Romanian deadlift (RDL) might just be the transformative exercise you need.

The Power of the Single Leg RDL:

The single leg RDL isn’t just another exercise; it’s a critical component of our Phase II, Excel phase in the MEI Method for returning to running. This exercise goes beyond typical strength training by targeting each leg individually, ensuring balanced power and resilience in your hamstrings.

Why Single Leg RDLs?

  • Enhanced Lower Body Strength and Power: The single leg RDL zeroes in on the hamstrings and glutes, essential muscles for every runner. Strengthening these areas translates to improved performance across all running activities, from sprints to hill climbs.
  • Boosted Balance and Stability: This exercise challenges your balance, enhancing stability and proprioception. This means better control and confidence on uneven terrain or during quick directional changes.
  • Injury Resistance: While complete injury prevention is unrealistic due to numerous uncontrollable factors, exercises like the single leg RDL can significantly lower the likelihood of injuries by training the hamstrings’ eccentric phase and addressing muscle imbalances.

Executing the Single Leg RDL:

  1. Begin standing, weight evenly distributed and knees slightly bent.
  2. Transfer your weight to one leg, maintaining the knee bend.
  3. Hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight and chest up, as you lean forward.
  4. Extend the free leg behind you, aiming for a straight line from head to heel.
  5. Lower until your hamstring stretches, then squeeze your glutes to return to the start.
  6. Complete your set before switching legs.


Pro Tips for Perfect Form:

  • Maintain a flat back to protect your spine.
  • Focus on driving through the heel of your supporting leg.
  • Ensure your shin remains vertical for optimal hamstring engagement.
  • Lower your torso with control to maximize muscle work.
  • Keep the weight close to your body for better stability.

Incorporating single leg Romanian deadlifts into your routine could be the key to overcoming those persistent hamstring issues and enhancing your overall running performance. However, always consult with a physiotherapist before trying new exercises, especially if you’re currently injured.

Need Help with Hamstring Pain?

If conventional methods haven’t eased your hamstring pain, it’s time for a tailored approach. Schedule your free Hamstring Pain Away Physio Assessment at Next Level Physio and get back to running without the pain.

The post Revolutionize Your Run: The Single Leg Romanian Deadlift for Hamstring Health appeared first on Next Level Physio.

Beyond the Basics: How Advanced Physiotherapy Can Keep Runners Pain-Free Wed, 31 Jan 2024 03:23:47 +0000 For avid runners, encountering pain is often an unwelcome companion on their fitness journey. While basic physical therapy (PT) can provide temporary relief, it often falls short in addressing the unique challenges faced by runners. At Next Level Physio, we specialize in transcending these limitations, offering innovative solutions to keep you running pain-free. In this […]

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Next Level Physio, we specialize in transcending these limitations, offering innovative solutions to keep you running pain-free. In this article, we’ll explore five reasons why basic PT might be keeping you in discomfort and how our advanced techniques can help.

1. The Limitations of Basic PT Treatments

Basic PT treatments, including hot packs, e-stim, and generic exercises, might offer short-term relief but often fail to provide lasting solutions. At Next Level Physio, we embrace cutting-edge methods like shockwave therapy, Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Therapy, and Performance Dry Needling. These advanced techniques enhance localized blood flow, foster better healing, and accelerate your return to running, offering a more sustainable solution than traditional PT approaches.

2. The Drawback of High Patient Volume

In many PT settings, therapists juggle multiple patients simultaneously, leading to diluted care quality. While in-network coverage might make basic PT accessible, it often lacks the personalized attention crucial for effective treatment. In contrast, Next Level Physio prioritizes customized care, ensuring that your unique needs as a runner are fully addressed, even if it means investing a bit more for specialized services.

3. Overlooking Running Technique

A common oversight in basic PT is the lack of running gait analysis. Understanding your running form is crucial in identifying and correcting issues that lead to injury. Our approach at Next Level Physio involves detailed analysis and tailored exercises, addressing common problems like over-striding or improper foot alignment. This focus on technique not only alleviates pain but also enhances overall running efficiency.

4. Failing to Identify Root Causes

Treating symptoms without identifying underlying causes is a recipe for recurring pain. Our approach at Next Level Physio delves deeper, uncovering root causes like hip or pelvis misalignments that often manifest as knee pain or other issues. By addressing these core problems, we provide more comprehensive and lasting relief, enabling runners to return to their passion without the shadow of recurring pain.

5. The Importance of Patient Compliance

Finally, the success of any PT program partially hinges on the patient’s commitment. At Next Level Physio, we emphasize the importance of adhering to the prescribed plan. While we offer expert guidance and advanced treatments, your active participation in the recovery process is key to achieving long-term pain-free running.

Next Level Physio: Paving Your Path to a Stronger, Pain-Free Running Experience

Running should be a source of joy, not discomfort. At Next Level Physio, we’re committed to transforming your running experience by offering advanced, personalized physiotherapy solutions. If you’re tired of the temporary fixes of basic PT and are seeking a more profound transformation in your running journey, contact us for a free runners’ physio assessment. Let’s work together to keep you running smoothly, free from the nagging pains that have held you back.

The post Beyond the Basics: How Advanced Physiotherapy Can Keep Runners Pain-Free appeared first on Next Level Physio.

Stretching for Runners: The Optimal Time for Maximum Benefit Sat, 27 Jan 2024 08:06:13 +0000 The debate over the best time to stretch for runners is ongoing. Should it be before or after your run? Understanding the impact of stretching on your running routine is crucial. In this article, we delve into the science behind stretching and offer insights to enhance your running performance. Stretching Before Your Run: A Misconception? […]

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The debate over the best time to stretch for runners is ongoing. Should it be before or after your run? Understanding the impact of stretching on your running routine is crucial. In this article, we delve into the science behind stretching and offer insights to enhance your running performance.

Stretching Before Your Run: A Misconception?

For years, stretching before a run has been a common practice. However, recent research challenges this norm. Studies indicate that traditional stretching prior to running may not prevent injuries or improve flexibility, and in some cases, it might even increase the risk of injury. This revelation suggests that the time spent stretching calves, quads, and hamstrings before hitting the track might not be as beneficial as once thought.

The Role of Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching, involving active movements, is emerging as a superior method. Exercises like calf walks in a plank position not only reduce injury risk but also enhance mobility in a shorter duration. At Next Level Physio, we recommend dynamic stretching before a run to warm up the muscles effectively and prepare them for the physical activity ahead.

Post-Run Stretching: The Ideal Practice

Contrary to pre-run stretching, indulging in post-run stretches can be advantageous. Stretching after a run may help alleviate muscle soreness and stiffness. However, the technique and duration are key. Static stretches, where a position is held for a period, should be maintained for at least two minutes for actual mobility gains. This method helps the muscle fibers to release tension effectively.

Foam Rolling: More Than Just Loosening Knots

Foam rolling is often misunderstood as a tool to loosen up tight muscles. In reality, its primary benefit is to relax the tension caused by the central nervous system. When you foam roll, you’re essentially signaling your brain to reduce the tightness in the muscles, contributing to overall muscle relaxation.

Joint Mobility Drills: The Unsung Heroes

In addition to stretching, joint mobility drills are crucial for runners. These drills involve challenging the joints to contract and relax at different ranges, facilitating greater motion range. It’s not just the physical stress on the tissues; it’s about allowing your brain to relax its hold, leading to improved flexibility and performance.

Unlock the Secrets of Effective Stretching and Mobility for Runners with Next Level Physio

Both stretching and joint mobility are essential components of a runner’s routine. The key is to find the right balance and technique – dynamic stretches before a run and static stretches afterward. For personalized advice and assessments tailored to your needs as a runner, Next Level Physio offers specialized services. Contact us today to enhance your running experience, ensuring smooth, enjoyable, and injury-free runs.

Interested in optimizing your running routine with expert guidance? Schedule your free running physio assessment at Next Level Physio and discover the best hip and knee mobility drills for your running needs. Let’s work together for your long-term running health and performance.

The post Stretching for Runners: The Optimal Time for Maximum Benefit appeared first on Next Level Physio.

4 Of The Best Achilles Tendonitis Exercises Fri, 14 Jul 2023 13:24:39 +0000 Are you currently training for a marathon, but are finding it difficult to hit your targets because of agonizing Achilles tendonitis?  Marathon Training requires dedication, discipline, and a whole lot of perseverance. But when Achilles Tendonitis strikes, it can throw a wrench in even the best training regime. The impact of Achilles Tendonitis on your […]

The post 4 Of The Best Achilles Tendonitis Exercises appeared first on Next Level Physio.

Are you currently training for a marathon, but are finding it difficult to hit your targets because of agonizing Achilles tendonitis? 

Marathon Training requires dedication, discipline, and a whole lot of perseverance. But when Achilles Tendonitis strikes, it can throw a wrench in even the best training regime.

The impact of Achilles Tendonitis on your run can be significant. It may slow down your pace, shorten your stride, or even halt your training altogether.

It’s not just about physical discomfort – it’s also about the frustration of seeing your goals slip further away as you deal with the injury. Marathon training is hard enough without the added hurdle of Achilles Tendonitis.

If you haven’t already, you’re probably considering painkillers or injections to curb your pain so you can still hit those targets. However, those options only mask your pain, making it a certainty that your symptoms will return as soon as you stop using them.

But did you know that with the right Achilles tendonitis exercises you can significantly reduce your pain and return to the track naturally?

This blog contains 4 of the best Achilles tendonitis exercises to help you get back to running as soon as possible. 

What Is Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis is an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon, the band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone.

It’s a common condition that causes pain along the back of the leg near the heel and is particularly prevalent among runners and athletes partaking in sports that involve running or jumping.

However, it can affect anyone who puts a lot of stress on their feet, not just athletes.

While Achilles tendonitis can occur in people of all ages, it’s most common in adults aged 30 to 50. 

The symptoms of Achilles tendonitis can vary in intensity but often include:

  1. A mild ache in the back of the leg or above the heel after running or other sports activity.
  2. More severe pain may occur after prolonged running, stair climbing, or sprinting.
  3. Tenderness or stiffness, especially in the morning, which usually improves with mild activity.
  4. If you experience persistent pain around the Achilles tendon, it’s recommended to see a doctor.

The right Achilles tendonitis exercises can help manage your symptoms and prevent further complications.

Exercise #1 – Calf Stretch: 

This exercise helps to slowly stretch the calf muscle and Achilles tendon, improving flexibility and reducing pain.

To perform a calf stretch, stand close to a wall with one leg in front of the other.

The back heel should be placed on the ground while the front leg remains straight.

Bend forward at the hips until you feel a slight tugging sensation in the calf and Achilles tendon.

Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch legs to stretch the other side.

Exercise #2 – Heel Raises: 

Heel raises are a great way to help strengthen the Achilles tendon and reduce pain associated with Achilles tendonitis.

To perform heel raises, stand on a step or bench with your heels hanging off the edge and your toes facing down.

Lift your heels up and hold for a few seconds then lower back down.

Gradually increase the number of reps as your strength improves.

Exercise #3 – Wall Slides: 

This exercise is perfect for strengthening the calf muscles and Achilles tendon while also improving mobility in the ankle joint.

To perform wall slides, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and backwards against a wall.

Brace your hands on the wall and gradually slide your feet up the wall, pushing through your heels as you go.

Stop when you reach the top and then slowly slide back down.

Continue this exercise for 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise #4 – Towel Stretch: 

This exercise helps to stretch the calf muscles and Achilles tendon, improving flexibility and reducing pain associated with Achilles tendonitis.

To perform this stretch, sit on a chair or bench with one leg crossed over the other.

Place a towel around the balls of your feet and then gently pull the towel towards you until you feel a slight stretch in your calf.

Hold this position for 30 seconds before releasing and switching sides.

Looking For A Faster Way To Treat Your Achilles Tendonitis?

Try incorporating these Achilles tendonitis exercises into your routine to reduce your pain and continue training.

At Next Level Physio, we’re committed to helping you overcome your injury and get back on track as quickly as possible. 

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in treating Achilles tendonitis, offering personalized exercises and therapies designed to reduce pain, improve mobility, and strengthen your Achilles tendon.

We understand how frustrating it can be as a runner to feel stuck in an endless loop of treatment and rest, all of which get in the way of your true goals. That’s why we incorporate the most cutting edge technology in our clinics to get you feeling happier and healthier as fast as we can!

One of the innovative treatments we offer is shockwave therapy, a non-invasive procedure that can stimulate healing and provide significant pain relief.

Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or a running enthusiast, don’t let Achilles tendonitis slow you down. For a limited time, we’re offering a FREE Shockwave Assessment worth $199, we only have a few spots remaining so act fast before we run out.

Take the first step towards recovery and getting back to the sport you love. Book your free assessment today, it’s time to take your recovery to the Next Level!

Contact us at 201-746-9966 or spend 30 seconds filling in our simple webform.

More Free Expert Advice For Runners With Plantar Fasciitis

Read our blog – 3 Reasons Why Runners Need To Add Strength Training To Their Running Program

Read our blog – 12 Ways To Soothe Sore Feet

Follow us on our social media – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

The post 4 Of The Best Achilles Tendonitis Exercises appeared first on Next Level Physio.

Marathon Training – What Not To Do With Plantar Fasciitis Tue, 11 Jul 2023 09:35:30 +0000 Training for a marathon is no simple feat and it can come with its fair share of emotional turbulence. When you have the added burden of plantar fasciitis, this can become even more daunting. Training for a marathon is a huge physical and mental challenge, and managing the pain of plantar fasciitis can create yet […]

The post Marathon Training – What Not To Do With Plantar Fasciitis appeared first on Next Level Physio.

Training for a marathon is no simple feat and it can come with its fair share of emotional turbulence.

When you have the added burden of plantar fasciitis, this can become even more daunting.

Training for a marathon is a huge physical and mental challenge, and managing the pain of plantar fasciitis can create yet another layer of complexity.

In this blog, you’ll discover the emotional reality of training with plantar fasciitis as well as what not to do with plantar fasciitis when training for a marathon.

With any injury, it’s important to recognize that you may need to adjust your training plan.

Remember: no one knows what works best for your body better than you do.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition of the foot that affects millions of people around the world.

It occurs when the thick band of tissue (plantar fascia) connecting your heel bone to your toes becomes irritated and inflamed, leading to sharp pains in the heel and arch area.

The pain usually increases with prolonged standing, walking, or running which can make it difficult to stay active.

Plantar fasciitis can be caused by fast changes in activity, wearing improper footwear, or having flat feet or high arches.

The good news is that plantar fasciitis is treatable with the right steps, but it is imperative to remember what not to do with plantar fasciitis!

What Not To Do With Plantar Fasciitis

Increasing Your Mileage Too Quickly

We know lots of our patients are desperate to reach that extra milestone but increasing your mileage too quickly while suffering from plantar fasciitis can make your condition worse for several reasons.

A sudden increase in mileage puts excessive strain on the plantar fascia. This can lead to micro-tears, worsening the pain and prolonging your healing process.

You’re also more likely to fall into bad habits like overpronation (when your foot rolls inward excessively), which can put additional stress on your plantar fascia.

So while it might be tempting to push yourself, rapidly increasing your mileage can also heighten the risk of other injuries such as stress fractures, shin splints, and Achilles tendinitis, which could further complicate your condition.

Therefore, if you’re suffering from plantar fasciitis, it’s crucial to gradually increase your mileage.

Taking Painkillers To Try And Reduce Your Symptoms

While it may be tempting to use painkillers such as Advil to manage your pain, there are several reasons why this is not the best approach.

Pain is your body’s way of signalling that something is wrong. Using painkillers can mask this warning signal, leading you to potentially overexert yourself and cause significant damage to your injury.

Painkiller will never be able to treat your pain at the source of the problem, meaning your pain is always present just subdued. Regular use of painkillers can have various side effects including stomach ulcers, kidney issues, and increased risk of heart problems.

These risks are heightened when engaging in strenuous activities like marathon training.

Instead of relying on painkillers, it’s better to focus on proper foot care, and physiotherapy exercises to manage plantar fasciitis.

Ignoring Proper Stretching and Strengthening Exercises

Our patients love to run, so much in fact that they often forget about stretching or strength training to help promote better health and faster recovery times.

A marathon is a physically demanding task that requires considerable strength and endurance. If you’re suffering from plantar fasciitis, it becomes even more crucial to incorporate proper stretching and strengthening exercises into your routine.

Without proper stretching, the plantar fascia can become increasingly tight and inflamed. This can make your pain during runs more severe and prolong your healing process.

The added bonus of incorporating these techniques into your regime is they are not only a coping mechanism for your pain but can actually improve your running performance.

Now you’re interested!

Therefore, incorporating appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises into your training regimen is crucial when attempting new personal bests and dealing with plantar fasciitis.

What You Can Do To Help Training With Plantar Fasciitis

Shockwave Therapy

This state of the art treatment works by delivering pulses of energy to the injured area, stimulating the body’s natural healing process.

This form of treatment is found to be effective in reducing pain caused by plantar fasciitis. It can also make it easier to maintain your training regimen without discomfort, meaning you don’t have to miss out on your training goals.

The shockwaves stimulate blood flow and promote the formation of new blood vessels, facilitating faster healing of the damaged tissue.

Unlike surgery, this is a non-invasive treatment, meaning you won’t have to deal with a long recovery period or risk of infection. Making it a great option for athletes who want to get back to their training as soon as possible.

We now offer this revolutionary service and you can now schedule a Free Shockwave Assessment to help determine whether this treatment is right for you!

Our shockwave therapy sessions usually last around 30 minutes to an hour, making it one of the fastest treatments available to athletes.

We are currently extremely busy across our all four of our clinics (Cary, Montclair, Morrisville, and Woodcliff Lake) meaning we don’t have many spaces left, so act fast.

Do not miss out and Arrange Your Free Shockwave Assessment NOW.

Contact us at 201-746-9966 or spend 30 seconds filling in our simple webform.

More Free Expert Advice For Runners With Plantar Fasciitis

Read our blog – 12 Ways To Soothe Sore Feet

Read our blog – What’s Overstriding, And Why Can It Be A Problem For Runners?

Follow us on our social media – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

The post Marathon Training – What Not To Do With Plantar Fasciitis appeared first on Next Level Physio.

How To Avoid Knee Pain After Running Without Painkillers Tue, 27 Jun 2023 12:09:02 +0000 Are you struggling to keep up with your running schedule due to agonizing knee pain after a run?
Our clinic deals with this issue on a weekly basis. Thousands of patients feel they have to take painkillers or decide between fitness and knees free from pain.

The post How To Avoid Knee Pain After Running Without Painkillers appeared first on Next Level Physio.

“Why Do I Get Knee Pain After Running?”

Are you struggling to keep up with your running schedule due to agonizing knee pain after a run?

Our clinic deals with this issue on a weekly basis. Thousands of patients feel they have to take painkillers or decide between fitness and knees free from pain.

This is not the case!

Whether you’re looking to run further or set a new personal best, the advice in this blog will help you do so, as it has with our past patients.

“Why Do I Get Knee Pain After Running?”

In our physical therapy clinic, we work with a lot of runners who have been running for years with little to no pain or discomfort before their issue manifests.

If this applies to you, you may be wondering, “Why do I get knee pain after running?” It can be irritating to feel like your progress is moving in reverse.

It is important to understand why you are experiencing this sensation so that you can properly address it and prevent future issues.

There are a variety of reasons you may be experiencing knee pain after running, including;

Repetitive Stress Injuries

These injuries occur when you place too much stress on one area of your body, such as by overusing certain muscles or performing repetitive movements.

Weak Core Muscle Strength

A weak core can put extra stress on the knees, leading to pain.

Make sure you are doing exercises that target your core muscles, such as planks and crunches, in order to strengthen them.

Inadequate Warm Up

If you don’t warm up before running, your muscles and joints are more likely to become injured. Make sure you always take the time to do a thorough warm-up before starting any exercise routine.

Poor Nutrition

If you don’t eat the right kind of foods before and after running, your body may not be able to recover properly.

Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and proteins to fuel your body and provide it with the nutrition it needs for recovery.

How To Avoid Knee Pain After Running

There are easy steps you can take to prevent knee pain after running if you’re already experiencing it.

Listen To Your Body

We know running is important to a lot of our patients, often putting that extra distance or personal best before their bodies.

As you are running, its important to pay attention to any soreness or potential pain in your knee and stop immediately if you feel anything that isn’t comfortable.

Strengthen Your Legs

Doing exercises like squats and step-ups can help strengthen the muscles that support your knee joint and keeps them healthy.

If you experience additional pain or anything out of the ordinary you should contact a professional immediately!

Invest In Quality Running Shoes

Choosing the right shoe for your foot type is essential when it comes to avoiding knee pain.

The better the cushion and support, the less likely you are to experience any issues with your knees while running.

The Quickest Way To Avoid Knee Pain After Running

Hopefully you can apply the techniques above and avoid your knee pain after running.

For first time knee pain sufferers, rest and time off the injury is all your knee needs to recover.

However, if your knee pain persists or unfortunately gets worse, you should seek professional help from a physical therapist.

Our team at Next Level Physical Therapy can help you identify the root cause of your knee pain. Setting you up with a personalized treatment plan on how to run more, further, and faster.

This is by far the fastest treatment option available and will stop your knee pain from getting worse or coming back in the future.

Physical therapy is the perfect option for those who wish to fix the issue without relying on painkillers, injections or surgery!

Book Your Free Lower Body Consultation

You can now schedule a Free Lower Body Consultation to help determine whether physical therapy is right for you!

We are currently extremely busy across our four clinics (Cary, Montclair, Morrisville, and Woodcliff Lake) meaning we only have limited availability for this special offer.

Avoid disappointment and Arrange Your Free Lower Body Consultation NOW.

Contact us at 201-746-9966 or spend 30 seconds filling in our simple webform.

Want More Free Professional Advice To Live An Active Life Pain-Free?

Read our blog – Three Reasons Why Runners Need To Add Strength Training Into Their Running Program

Read our blog – 3 Reasons Why You’re Still Having Knee Pain and Can’t Run, Bike, Or Squat!

Follow us on our social media – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

The post How To Avoid Knee Pain After Running Without Painkillers appeared first on Next Level Physio.

How to Get Rid of Shin Splints – 3 Proven Methods For Fast Relief Wed, 21 Jun 2023 09:57:16 +0000 Love to run but hate shin splits? Don’t worry you’re not alone! Shin splints are caused by several different reasons but the common denominator is that they get in the way of what you love! Our team’s number 1 priority is to get you back at your best as quickly as possible! That’s why this […]

The post How to Get Rid of Shin Splints – 3 Proven Methods For Fast Relief appeared first on Next Level Physio.

Love to run but hate shin splits?

Don’t worry you’re not alone!

Shin splints are caused by several different reasons but the common denominator is that they get in the way of what you love!

Our team’s number 1 priority is to get you back at your best as quickly as possible!

That’s why this blog contains 3 proven methods for relieving your shin splints with little to no effort.

Shin Splints: The Cause & Effect

Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), is a painful condition caused by overuse of the lower leg muscles.

Generally, it occurs after exercising too hard or for too long, without giving your body enough time to recover.

It can also be caused by running on hard surfaces such as pavement or concrete, wearing ill-fitting shoes, having flat feet or high arches, and poor posture during exercise.

Symptoms include pain in either one or both legs along the front and sides of the shinbone with tenderness to touch.

Additional signs include swelling in the lower legs, difficulty pressing on the affected area, or general discomfort when walking or running.

Method 1 – Reduce Your Mileage and Intensity Temporarily

We know a lot of you have heard this one before, but hang on, don’t switch off just yet!

Resting for a limited time, only to go straight back to running, will as I’m sure you’ve experienced only temporarily fix the issue.

However, to cut the strain on your shins and promote a faster recovery, it’s important to take a step back from running for at least 48 hours.

This brief pause allows your shins to recuperate and regain strength. 

We know you hate sitting at home, staring at the ceiling, but how about swapping out the activity for something less physically demanding as you heal.

Swimming, cycling, or yoga are great ways to maintain your fitness level while giving your shins the rest they need.

Remember, taking a short break now will benefit you long-term!

Method 2 – Wear Supportive Shoes

It may seem obvious, but it is amazing how many runners don’t invest in appropriate footwear.

You wouldn’t take a road trip in a pick-up with the exhaust hanging off! So why run in the wrong shoes?

Wearing well-fitting shoes that provide adequate arch support and cushioning will help protect your feet while running.

High-quality athletic shoes provide essential features such as shock absorption, stability, and motion control. This reduces the strain on your muscles, and ligaments, ultimately preventing foot and knee pain.

When selecting the right shoes, consider factors such as your foot shape, arch type, and any existing foot conditions.

If you aren’t sure what type of footwear is right for you, our team can help give you guidance and also help you identify other ways to fix your shin splints and get back to pain free running.  

To find out more, arrange a free consultation now

Investing in supportive, running-specific footwear and replacing them when needed can significantly improve foot health and prevent pain.

Method 3 – Strengthen Your Core

You may be thinking “My core? How will that help my shins?”.

Let me explain…

A strong core is essential for runners, as it helps support your entire body and reduces the strain on your lower legs.

A robust core maintains correct alignment and balance throughout your body. Enabling you to transfer the force from your upper body to your lower body during a run.

To effectively strengthen your core, consider including a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back.

Some examples of core exercises include; Planks, Sit-ups & Leg lifts.

Incorporate these core-strengthening exercises into your workout 3-4 times per week, gradually increasing the intensity and duration as your strength improves.

Persistent Shin Splints

Have you tried these methods but you’re still in agonising pain with shin splints?

You MUST contact a physical therapist right away!

By contacting a physical therapist, you can get the treatment and relief you need to feel comfortable while running.

At Next Level Physical Therapy we have four clinics in the area (Cary, Montclair, Morrisville, and Woodcliff Lake), for a limited time we are offering a Free Lower Body Consultation.

This one-on-one consultation with a skilled physical therapist will offer you personalized advice on how to run more, run further, and run faster.

Arrange Your Free Lower Body Consultation.

Act fast, as we only have a limited number of appointments available.

Contact us at 201-746-9966 to arrange your Free Lower Body Consultation today.

Want More Free Professional Advice To Live An Active Life Pain-Free?

Read our blog – 3 Reasons Why You’re Still Having Knee Pain and Can’t Run, Bike, Or Squat!

Read our blog – What’s Overstriding, and Why Can This Be A Problem For Runners? 

Follow us on our social media – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

The post How to Get Rid of Shin Splints – 3 Proven Methods For Fast Relief appeared first on Next Level Physio.
