Shoulder Pain Archives | Next Level Physio Tue, 06 Jun 2023 00:22:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shoulder Pain Archives | Next Level Physio 32 32 A Warning To Golfers Struggling With Mobility And Pain Tue, 30 May 2023 10:53:25 +0000 Are you suffering from a stiff, tight lower back that flares up after a few holes, making it difficult to pick up the ball or place it on the tee? Do you struggle to walk the 18-hole rounds and what was once a way for you to socialize, unwind and have fun with your golfing […]

The post A Warning To Golfers Struggling With Mobility And Pain appeared first on Next Level Physio.

Are you suffering from a stiff, tight lower back that flares up after a few holes, making it difficult to pick up the ball or place it on the tee?

Do you struggle to walk the 18-hole rounds and what was once a way for you to socialize, unwind and have fun with your golfing buddies is becoming a source of your aches and pains?

Have you had nasty, sharp shoulder pain when you driving off the tee lately?

Golfers visit our clinics regularly, and these are problems we help people with all the time.

But if you are starting to notice that you’re too stiff and immobile to play as well as you used to, or you get pain during a round, here is a cautionary tale…

Golfers Who Get Help

A lot of golfers recognize something isn’t right, and seek the experts at our clinic.

Shortly after, their pain goes away, mobility improves, and they can play golf as often as they like.

Many even improve their game too!

With a variety of treatment options such as shockwave therapy, hands on rehabilitation and much more, this is absolutely possible without having to mask the pain with pills, or risk injections and surgery.

The Golfers Who Do Not Get Help

But a smaller portion of golfers with these problems, do not get help.

So what happens to them?

It starts off as a minor inconvenience.

A little stiffness in the lower back when they pick up the ball.

A little soreness in their knee as they walk the course.

A little pain in their elbow the next few days after a round of golf.

It’s manageable (although annoying).

“It’s not too bad, I can handle it.” they say to themselves.

But over time, it becomes more severe, and more frequent until they can’t play as often as they like…

They drop that mid-week round of golf or stop going to the driving range on the weeks that they play a round with their friends…

“Maybe I just need to rest up a little, and it’ll get better.” they say to themselves.

And over the next few months, the problem doesn’t seem so bad.

So it’s fixed?

Not quite.

Because another few months pass, and the pain is back, the tightness is back, and the discomfort is back.

And now it’s not just confined to the golf course.

Their shoulders start to hurt when they load the groceries into the car, or play catch with their grandkids.

Their back starts to hurt on a daily basis, and means they are wake up exhausted after terrible sleep every night.

“I’ll go to the doctor, take these pills and rest a little more.” they say to themselves.

And you probably know how this goes…

The doctor says “take these pills, and rest” – even though you’ve already done that.

You don’t know what to do.

You’re lost, confused, and missing the happiness that playing a round of golf gives you.

Because now you only play golf once a month, when you used to play 2-3 times every week.

And you’re suffering in the other areas of your life too as you’ve become weaker, more injury prone and just feel awful!

“Maybe my golfing days are behind me, I just can’t take it any more.” they say to themselves.

But this is NOT true.

And our patients are proof of this.

We have patients who are well into their retirement, playing golf multiple times per week, and not dealing with pain, stiffness and injuries.


They came to the experts at our clinics.

So if any of this cautionary tale sounds familiar, we can help – whatever stage of the story you are in!

If it’s just a little niggling ache as you reach the final few holes.

Or a constant pain that’s with your from the first hole, we can help.

Get Back To Pain-Free Golf And Play Multiple Times Every Week!

We have four clinics in the area (Cary, Montclair, Morrisville, and Woodcliff Lake), and demand is extremely high right now, however, we do offer a limited number of appointments for Free Golf Movement Screenings.

This appointment is 1-1 with an expert physical therapist, who will listen to your story, and then provide you with personalized advice to get you playing more golf, driving further off the tee, and reducing your handicap!

Arrange Your Free Golf Movement Screening.

Click the link above, or contact us on 201-746-9966 to arrange your Free Golf Movement Screening today.

Want More Free Expert Advice So You Can Enjoy An Active Life Without Pain?

Read our blog – 4 Of The Best Golf Stretches To Reduce Pain, Stiffness, And Tight Muscles

Read our blog – 3 Reasons Why You’re Still Having Knee Pain And Can’t Run, Bike, Or Squat!

Follow us on our social media – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

The post A Warning To Golfers Struggling With Mobility And Pain appeared first on Next Level Physio.

Don’t Give Up If You’re Aching After Your First Game, Or After Getting Back Into The Gym Tue, 21 Mar 2023 11:36:00 +0000 You’re back into sports and exercise after your winter off-season enjoying the holidays and avoiding the cold, dark mornings and early evenings. Maybe you’re back to CrossFit, or baseball, or trying to build up your running distance again. But whatever your passion, you notice that you’re a lot stiffer, a lot slower, and today, you’re […]

The post Don’t Give Up If You’re Aching After Your First Game, Or After Getting Back Into The Gym appeared first on Next Level Physio.

You’re back into sports and exercise after your winter off-season enjoying the holidays and avoiding the cold, dark mornings and early evenings.

Maybe you’re back to CrossFit, or baseball, or trying to build up your running distance again.

But whatever your passion, you notice that you’re a lot stiffer, a lot slower, and today, you’re in a lot of pain!

This is a really important moment because what can happen is that people say…

“I must be getting old, and I can’t do [insert sport or hobby] as I used to.”

And they give up on the thing they love.

Please do NOT do this!

People stop going to the gym and miss out on that feeling of heart-pounding, heavy breathing, and pride after they’ve got through a tough workout.

Or they only play golf once a week or cut down to 9-hole rounds rather than the full 18-holes to try and avoid their back pain.

Maybe they stop playing basketball altogether because their knees just get too sore, and they struggle to move for days after a game.

These are all very real choices people make which massively impact their lives.

Because sports and exercises aren’t just hobbies.

For some, it’s their way to destress from a high-pressure work day.

For others, it’s their “me time” when they get to recharge away from their family life.

For others, it’s their chance to socialize with team mates, and enjoy some competition.

Whatever the reason you love your sport or exercise, don’t fall for the trap of thinking you’re getting too old, have too many past injuries, or you simply can’t play as much as you used to.

Because it’s not true!

We have worked with thousands of people who love to keep active but hit a wall because of aches and pains.

Knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, back pain

You name it – we’ve seen it all.

And our expert team has helped people just like you get back to sports and exercise when they thought they were getting too old, or that they’d have to compromise and do less than they want to.


There are many treatment options available at our clinics (Cary, Montclair, Morrisville, Woodcliff), and we focus on natural, proven ways to end your injuries, stiffness, and pain, while improving your performance.

So if you aren’t ready to throw in the towel just yet, and you want to enjoy your sports and exercise this year, see the experts at Next Level Physio.

To help you get started, we offer Free Discovery Visits where you can speak to an expert, get your questions answered, and discover the best options available to you.

It’s 100% free, and people love that they can discover what options are available, and feel empowered to make their own choice about their health.

You can also speak to our team over the phone at 201-746-9966 – we would love to get you faster, stronger, and playing better than you ever have before!

Relieve Aches And Pains Right Now

If you are stiff, and aching after a workout, it might be tempting to think rest is the solution.

After all, we are all told when we are younger to go to sleep and it’ll be fine by the morning, or we are told to rest after a visit to the doctor.

But actually, movement can actually help to reduce soreness after a workout and help you recover faster.

So, try to keep moving and going about your normal day even if you’re feeling a little stiff and uncomfortable.

Aim to move every 30 minutes and this should help.

If your pain is too severe to move, speak to our team immediately as you may have a more sinister injury that needs treating.

More Resources For Enjoy Your Sports And Exercise Pain-Free

Read our blog – 3 Reasons Why You’re Still Having Knee Pain And Can’t Run, Bike, Or Squat!

Read our blog – March Into Fitness

Follow us on our social media – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

The post Don’t Give Up If You’re Aching After Your First Game, Or After Getting Back Into The Gym appeared first on Next Level Physio.

5 Common Causes of Shoulder Pain That Physical Therapy Can Help Tue, 20 Oct 2020 19:15:54 +0000 You Deserve To Live Pain-Free! Read On To Learn More… Regular appointments with a physical therapist are ideal for people of all ages! Physical therapy is a non-invasive, safe, and effective treatment option designed to restore mobility and relieve pain resulting from a wide range of workplace and sports injuries, musculoskeletal conditions, age related conditions, […]

The post 5 Common Causes of Shoulder Pain That Physical Therapy Can Help appeared first on Next Level Physio.

You Deserve To Live Pain-Free! Read On To Learn More…
5 Common Causes Of Shoulder Pain That Physical Therapy Can Help

Regular appointments with a physical therapist are ideal for people of all ages! Physical therapy is a non-invasive, safe, and effective treatment option designed to restore mobility and relieve pain resulting from a wide range of workplace and sports injuries, musculoskeletal conditions, age related conditions, and more.

Typically, patients go to physical therapy to help manage chronic pain symptoms and prevent future injuries. One of the most common reasons new patients visit our physical therapy clinic every day is to find and treat the source of their chronic shoulder pain.

There are many different factors that attribute to chronic shoulder pain. One thing is for sure though, dealing with shoulder pain can make completing daily tasks nearly impossible without treatment.

If you or a loved one is experiencing shoulder pain, contact Next Level Physio today to learn how physical therapy can help relieve (or even eliminate) your problem!

How Does Shoulder Pain Occur?

Most people probably go about their day without giving much thought to how they are using their shoulders. Did you know that your shoulders actually do a good bit of work to help you accomplish everyday tasks? If you injure or strain them, there’s a large chance you will end up experiencing severe shoulder pain.

5 Common Causes Of Shoulder Pain That Physical Therapy Can Help

Five of the most common causes of shoulder pain include:

1. Tendon Tears

If you experience an acute injury, or have a degenerative condition, the result can be a torn tendon in your shoulder. The natural aging process, overuse, and random injuries can often cause split or torn tendons as well. Regardless of whether a patient has experienced a partial or full tendon tear, the pain can be searing and require regular appointments with a physical therapist in our clinic.

2. Tendinitis

Tendinitis is a very common condition that often sends people straight to a physical therapist for pain relief. It causes inflammation and usually affects people who take part in many physical activities, or work at a job that requires them to use lots of repetitive motions every day.

Take this for example, if you are an athlete who plays tennis, or a professional painter, you could be at high risk for developing tendinitis in your shoulder. This is because you make the same repetitive motions every day to play your sport or do your job. Those who are at a high risk for developing this condition should be aware of how important it is to not only visit a physical therapist regularly, but to also rest their shoulders often to prevent chronic pain.

3. Bursitis

The shoulder is made up of a very complex network of moving parts. This makes it a pretty complicated joint! One of the main components that make up the shoulder is called the “bursa.” The bursa contains small fluid filled sacs that work to keep the joint lubricated. If the bursa becomes inflamed or irritated in any way, you could develop bursitis. This will call for a physical therapist’s touch, as soon as possible!

4. Frozen Shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis, also known as frozen shoulder, is a condition that occurs following an injury or alongside another shoulder condition. According to The National Institute of Health, frozen shoulder accounts for 2% of cases of shoulder pain. Most physical therapists recommend that patients with frozen shoulders rest often in between physical therapy appointments to avoid developing scar tissue in the shoulder.

On the chance that scar tissue does develop, the muscles surrounding the shoulder may eventually freeze up as well. This will limit your full range of motion and result in chronic pain.

5. Impingement

Shoulder impingement is a condition that occurs when the top part of the shoulder blade lifts away from the body and puts too much pressure on the underlying soft tissues in the arm. As the arm lifts, the shoulder blade rubs against the bursa and tendons. If this condition goes untreated, impingement in the shoulder can result in bursitis and/or tendinitis.

Physical Therapy Can Provide Fast Relief for Shoulder Pain

If you have been experiencing recurrent or chronic shoulder pain, it is important to consult with a physical therapist as soon as possible. Physical therapy is a safe and natural treatment option that can successfully help patients of all ages recover from their shoulder injuries.

Your physical therapist will assess your condition, find the source of your pain, and create a specialized comprehensive treatment plan for your specific needs.

There’s no reason you need to spend tons of money on expensive surgeries or over the counter medications to gain relief from shoulder pain. Getting back on the pain-free path is simple. Contact Next Level Physio today to learn more about the benefits of physical therapy for shoulder pain, and begin your journey toward living a pain-free life!


The post 5 Common Causes of Shoulder Pain That Physical Therapy Can Help appeared first on Next Level Physio.
